
EYLF Curriculum: Belonging, Being, Becoming

A, diverse range of learning experiences are provided for all the children on a daily basis, these are incorporated into our daily and weekly program. The content of these programs will reflect the individual needs and interests of each child attending the centre, together with the shared needs of parents and families, and the valuable input from our local school community. Children will have the opportunity to engage in a curriculum which offers a wide range of stimulating and educationally challenging experiences which will encourage each child to think as an individual, and to become more curious about the world around them, in a secure and nurturing environment.
Our programs offer activities which will allow children to participate at their own developmental level and to further enhance their skills by way of opportunities to practise and reinforce existing skills and to further challenge themselves through participation in new and exciting projects. Learning experiences will be developed after careful observation of each child on an ongoing basis, communication with parents and evaluation of the child’s participation in the learning environment.

Each learning experience is aimed at enhancing growth and incorporates nine key curriculum areas:


CREATE provides children with the opportunity to express themselves, their ideas and their world, through a variety of different artistic mediums. The CREATE component of the curriculum includes art, music, movement and appreciation of the arts.


INVESTIGATE provides children with the opportunity to observe, classify, predict, experiment, draw conclusions, communicate ideas, as well as gather knowledge about the natural and physical world, by utilising specialized tools and technology. The INVESTIGATE component of the curriculum includes science and technology.


IMAGINE provides children with the opportunity to express themselves and their feelings and ideas, represent their observations and make sense of their everyday experience, and explore different roles and responsibilities through pretend play experiences. The IMAGINE component of the curriculum includes dramatic play.


CONSTUCT provides children with the opportunity to design, assemble and disassemble, and problem solve. Children are able to engage in creative and divergent thinking as they sesign and build construction masterpieces. The CONSTRUCT component of the curriculum includes block construction, box construction, Mobilo and Lego Construction.


LANGUAGE AND LITERACY provides children with the opportunity to acquire early language and literacy skills, such as letter identification, phonics, comprehension, vocabulary, writing skills and pre-reading skills.


NUMERACY AND MATHEMATICAL CONCEPTS provides children with the opportunity to acquire numeracy skills and learn mathematical concepts, such as identifying numbers, counting with one-to-one correspondence, sorting, matching and classifying different objects, patterning and sequencing.


MINDFULNESS provides children with the opportunity to develop a positive self-identity and confidence in themselves as a unique and able individual, equips children with the knowledge and skills to recognise, label and regulate their feelings, emotions and develop, demonstrate empathy towards others. Children are encouraged to form positive and respectful relationships with their peers, educators and other familiar people at the preschool, and are guided by educators to acquire the skills to play cooperatively and interact with others in appropriate and meaningful ways.

The MINDFULNESS component of the curriculum includes planned and spontaneous experiences that support each child’s social and emotional development.


ACTIVE provides children with the opportunity to acquire skills such as hand-eye coordination, strength, flexibility and balance. The ACTIVE component of the curriculum includes fine motor and gross motor skills, physical activity, body awareness, healthy living and personal care.


SUSTAIN provides children with the opportunity to learn about the world and the important role and responsibility they have to care for the environment, both for themselves and future generations. Children learn about environmentally sustainable practices to reduce waste, minimise consumption and protect and conserve wildlife and natural habitats, through initiatives such as recycling, worm farming and composting. The SUSTAIN component of the curriculum focuses on geography, environmental sustainability and sustainable living.

Enrol Now

Kids Jungle is now taking enrolments.
Please contact the centre to see our special offer.

To ensure the system of allocating vacant places is fair, the Australian Government has “Priority of Access Guidelines”. These are used when there is a waiting list for a child care service or when a number of parents are applying for a limited number of vacant places.

The Guidelines are:

Priority 1 – A child at risk of serious abuse or neglect.

Priority 2 – A child of single parents who satisfies, or of two parents who both satisfy the work/training/study test under section 14 of the Family Assistance Act.

Priority 3 – Any other child.

Within each category, the following children are to be given priority:

• Children in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders families.

• Children in families which include a disabled person.

• Children in families with a non-English speaking background.

• Children in socially isolated families.

• Children of single parents.

Under these guidelines, we may require a Priority 3 child to vacate a place for a higher priority child. If this is required, we will give you 14 days notice however we will attempt to accommodate all families as best we can. When a vacancy arises at the centre, working families will be given priority for that vacancy.

Please contact the centre for availabilities.